Every human being wants to be and feel beautiful in some way. Some people believe that being beautiful from the inner side is more important than being beautiful from the outside. That statement is true; as person we have to value the inner beauty more than the outer beauty. BUT that does not mean that we have to ignore our outside beauty completely. People especially women have to look representable where ever they go, because beside your attitude, your appearance also reflects the type of person you are.
Before providing you with powerful information and tips on how to look and feel beautiful on a natural way, lets first consider the term beauty, because I know there is so many people out there that want to know what beauty exactly is and what it stands for.
What is beauty?
“Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It's about knowing and accepting who you are.”
―Ellen DeGeneres
Beauty is experienced by being in balance and harmony with nature that lead to attraction and emotional feelings.
A person is characterize as beautiful based on a combination of both inner beauty and outer beauty.
“Outer beauty pleases the EYE. Inner beauty captivates the HEART.”
― Mandy Hale
― Mandy Hale
- Inner beauty includes more psychological factors. Inner beauty is also referred as True beauty. To say if someone have inner beauty you focus on personal attitudes, ethics principles, moral salience, personality, intelligence, integrity, charisma and what type of person he/she is.
“True beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color
your eyes are. True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your
principles, your moral compass.”
―Ellen DeGeneres
- On the other hand outer beauty includes physical attributes that determine if the person is beautiful and attractive. Physical attributes such as eyes, skin, fitness, hair, face and lips to mentioned a few.
Beauty effects on Society
At the opposite of the belief, that beauty is from the inner side, men and women generally agree on the term who is beautiful or not based on physically attributes and attractiveness. This happens even across different cultures and society.
In the society where we life people keep comparing the way they look with others. Comparing beauty among people can cause dissatisfaction, depression and resentment when somebody thinks he/she does not have beauty attributes.
In the society where we life people keep comparing the way they look with others. Comparing beauty among people can cause dissatisfaction, depression and resentment when somebody thinks he/she does not have beauty attributes.
People who do not meet the characteristics and viewpoints of "ideal beauty" may face hard times, discrimination and negligence within their community by person who think that they are unattractive.
On the other hand, people especially women who are very attractive and beautiful from the outside may experience sexual harassment at work, even at school and during their daily life.
In some society beautiful woman of the lower class are forced into poverty, because the woman of the community refuses to give her a job (e.g. house keeper or babysitting) for the fear arises that maybe she will take her husband.
Researches have found that the world where we live in rewards beauty based on the measurement of good health, good genes, intelligence and even success. According to various research studies it is better for someone to be hot and beautiful for so many reasons. Lets mentioned a few reasons why it is better to be beautiful:
- People who are beautiful seems to be or are actually healthier.
- It is way easier for a beautiful person to find partners (mates).
- People who are beautiful are more intelligent.
- Good-looking people can make use of their sex appeal to get attention, lets say by job interviews and asking for promotions and be rewarded in their job. How much money someone earned as salary is also influenced by physical beauty.
- Companies with good-looking executives receive higher sales.
- Beautiful people have politics advantages.
- Beautiful people are considered to be more likeable and trustworthy, because people typically treat beautiful people better.
On a daily basis people are influenced by images they see in the media and consider those as key factors in order to determine what is beautiful or not. In a lot of advertising and movies you see white woman features that can lead to confusion, different concept of beauty, feelings of inferiority in women of color, and also discrimination and racism.
It is really important that you love yourself, so you can show love to others and be loved.
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